Thursday, January 03, 2008

My PhD Research

This blog includes the information related with my MsC Thesis and research. I am now doing my PhD and I have created a new blog for that. If you wish, please visit my new blog at You can also consult my web page at


Monday, April 23, 2007

A revised copy of my master thesis!

As promised a revised copy of my master thesis, entitled, "Designing a Multi-Agent System for Monitoring and Operations Recovery for an Airline Operations Control Centre" is available. Just click in the name to access it. If you need any information, please send an e-mail.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Master Thesis approved by the jury!

Today, 30th of March of 2007, I have defended my master thesis entitled "Designing a Multi-Agent System for Monitoring and Operations Recovery for an Airline Operations Control Centre". The jury was composed by Dr. Pavao Martins (Professor at IST and CEO of SISCOG), Dr. Eugenio Oliveira (Professor at FEUP and Director of the Doctoral Program) and Dr. Rui Camacho (Professor at FEUP). I have obtained the highest rank possible - Very Good! Soon I will put a revised copy of the thesis in this blog.