Friday, December 29, 2006

Master Thesis Delivered TODAY!

Today was a very important day for me. I have finish and delivered the final version of the thesis. The final name is "Designing a Multi-Agent System for Monitoring and Operations Recovery for an Airline Operations Control Centre".
Now, I just have to wait for the day when I will have to present my thesis to the jury.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Paper accepted for the IADIS e-Commerce 2006 Conference

The paper "Crew and Aircraft Recovery Through a Multi-Agent Electronic Market" was accepted to the IADIS International Conference on e-Commerce 2006, to be held in Barcelona, Spain, in 9-11 December. We have had very positive comments from the reviewers of our paper. We appreciate all the time that the reviewers took in commenting this paper. After the conference we will make the paper available in this site.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Organization Structure of a Multi-Agent System

One of the key aspects in building a Multi-agent System (MAS) is the definition of the organization structure of that system. During my work I studied the paper "An organizational view of distributed systems. Mark S. Fox. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 11(1):70-80, January 1981". This paper helps a lot in making the right choice of an organization structure. The reader will understand what is behind the organization theory and it's application to the analysis and design of distributed software systems. During my study I have draw some diagrams that help to understand the concepts presented in this paper:

I hope this diagrams will help everyone interested in this subjects.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Our Virtual Existence: the Eternity is here!

I wrote a position paper for the International Symposium on Intelligent Environments to be held in April 2006 at Homerton College, Cambridge, U.K. It is a little futuristic and might be polemic, but I think it is worth reading it. Just click here: "Our Virtual Existence: the Eternity is here"".
It would be interesting to know your opinion about this subject. Just drop your comment at the bottom of this post.

Monday, February 27, 2006

UML 2.0 and Agents: Notes taken from James Odell paper

For all of those interested in using UML 2.0 for documenting Agent Models. Just click on the title of this post to download the pdf. These notes were taken from the paper "UML 2.0 and Agents: How to build agent-based systems with the new UML standard" of Bernhard Bauer and James Odell, published in Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Volume 18, Issue 2 , March 2005, Pages 141-157 .

Saturday, February 04, 2006

EUMAS 2005 Photo: Another Proof of my Research Activity!

As you can see while everybody was talking and eating, I'm there, at my corner, studying my notes for my presentation. This is another proof of my commitment to research. I do not know what will be the result of my work but, at least, I do my best (like everybody else, of course) -:)

eScience 2005 Conference group photo

Yes, it is true. I was at the eScience 2005 conference in Redmond. If you do not believe in my words, just check the following photo. Where is Antonio?